Transports to the South Italy

Transports to the South Italy are not simple: I’ll explain. The services of our South are certainly not among the best in the world and with time, if there is no modernization, new technology, change of entrepreneurial mindset, the situation is obviously destined to go in passive; It’s what happened to the south Italy. Many are the drivers, for example, that they are no longer able to do their work, because the jobs to the South Italy have fallen in a sensational way; And this is not only due to the production, but in good part of the transport situation, often inadequate, slow and unproductive.

The blame? Of the state?, certainly, but not only; It is if you think about the Salerno-Reggio Calabria,; It is not if you think that vehicles have in store many private companies (old, inadequate, dangerous for the journey to be done); It is if you think of the inadequate, old and neglected railway lines, which are never modernized; It is not if you think about the private transport companies that would have taken the place (very smoothly) of the state and instead make it worse. In short, the problem of transports to  the South Italy exists and is not a problem of easy solution.

What saves the transport system in the South is maritime transport, of great tradition and that manages to withstand the impact of the most modern allocations in the centre and North Italy; But surely it is not something that can hold for a long time.

Transports to South Italy

Many companies dealing with transport both of goods and people, many of the excellences and many of the result of large franchises, who have points of contact in the big cities but also in small countries, thus providing a widespread network of very useful services where services are not from a public viewpoint. Maritime transport is a little better: if you think of the importance of ports like that of Naples, which moves an exceptional amount of goods and people, it is well understood that the situation is more acceptable.

However, it remains an emergency situation that of transports from the south to the North Italy, due to many factors but certainly in the first place should be given the political holiday of many decades, which have nothing done to place the southern country in step with the rest in the nation; It demonstrates the mileage of railway roads renewed from Rome up compared to that modernized from Rome down; But it’s not just been. The slewfoot privatisation of some transport companies have done nothing more than to create more disservices than existing ones by adding problems to issues.

This is the general framework; Fortunately, however, there are still entrepreneurs who believe possible development and that in transport have invested and invest, creating companies and companies that, replacing to the public, provide excellent services for logistics, rapidity and security; Many companies that, technologically advanced, can solve the problems of those who need transports from the South Italy; Their references are easy to find on the net, putting themselves in step with the rest of the country and with the European mentality: much still there is to do, but the road is certainly the right one.

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